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Announcing San José's Most Threatened Architectural and Cultural Landmarks of 2024

Founded in 1990, the Preservation Action Council of San Jose is a dynamic nonprofit 501(c)(3) membership organization dedicated to preserving our unique and diverse architectural and cultural heritage. Through advocacy, education, and civic engagement, we promote historic preservation as an essential tool for fostering equitable, distinctive, sustainable, and prosperous communities.


We are citizen advocates for San Jose’s historic landmarks and neighborhoods. We collaborate with residents, property owners, government agencies, elected officials, and other stakeholders to protect and revitalize the places that make San Jose special.


We celebrate San Jose’s diverse architectural and cultural heritage through a robust program of walking tours, lectures, workshops and guidebooks designed for residents and visitors alike. We promote the environmental and economic benefits of preservation as a tool for sustainable, equitable development.

Civic Engagement

We provide resources and a voice for citizens to protect the places important to their communities and assist them in engaging elected officials and impacting the City’s development review process.


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Protecting and revitalizing the places that make San Jose special

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