Preservation Books and Videos
Local History
Signposts Revisited This new publication combines author Pat Loomis' previous two books, Signposts and Signposts II and tells the stories of how our streets were named. Signposts Revisited is a must-read for anyone interested in local history. The book is a combined project of PAC-SJ, California Pioneers of Santa Clara Valley, History San Jose, and the Argonauts Historical Society.
Signposts Revisited is available through the PAC-SJ office for $25. If you would like the book mailed, please add $3 for shipping and handling. Call the office at 408.998.8105 or email: info@preservation.org to place an order. The books will also be available at all of our events.
The book is also available as a premium to new and renewing PAC-SJ members who JOIN at the $100+ level.
Touring Historic Willow Glen, published in a partnership between the Willow Glen Neighborhood Association and Preservation Action Council of San Jose. The book costs $17.95 and can be purchased by calling the PAC*SJ office - (408) 998-8105.
The Gem of Edenvale: the Historic Hayes Mansion of San Jose, California by Nancy L. Newlin
The Willow Glen Neighborhood: Then and Now (San Jose Neighborhoods Series) by April H. Halberstadt
San Jose and Its Cathedral by Marjorie Pierce
The Restless Valley - a two hour documentary aired on PBS (1964) with Clyde Arbuckle
Clyde Arbuckle's History of San José - 540 pages (1986, out-of-print but now downloadable as an ebook from SJLibrary.org)
San Jose's Women: Colonial Days to the 1970's - pioneering women and their achievements (2002) by Helen Arbuckle
San Jose, California's First City (The American Portrait Series) by Edwin A. and Demers, Donald O., Jr. Beilharz
San Jose reflections : an illustrated history of San Jose, California and some of surrounding area by Edith Brockway
Mission San Jose (The Missions of California) by Amy Margaret (Library Binding - May 1999)
San Jose: City With a Past by Kathleen Muller
The Architecture of San Jose, California: a selected bibliography by Anthony G. White
Life Along the Guadalupe River - an Archaeological and Historical Journey - The story of the Woolen Mills Chinatown site that existed at Taylor Street and the Guadalupe River between 1888-1902 and the excavation work done for the widening of Highway 87. Available through Friends of the Guadalupe River Park Gardens
The Alameda - The Beautiful Way by Shannon Clark. Purchase from the Alameda Business Association.