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Philip Dolan

Running for: 

City Council District 3 

Campaign Website: 

1) The severely neglected state of Willis Polk's 1905 First Church of Christ, Scientist across from St. James Park has vexed residents and City officials for years. As D3 Councilmember, what actions would you take to hold current owner Z&L Properties accountable for their neglect? What actions would you take to facilitate its urgently-needed rehabilitation?  Do you have a vision for the adaptive reuse of the structure?


As D3 cancel member. I would push my fellow members of the council to use eminedomain powers. I do not envision reuse of the structure.

2) Are there other properties on PAC*SJ’s 20222023, and 2024 “Endangered Eight” lists, or any other culturally important sites, whether in District 3 or beyond, that you would use your power of elected office to help address, and how? â€‹


I'm not too sure about Oliver. Culturally endangered important sites in the city of san jose. In office, I would like to learn more about our endangered sites.

3) In the past five years alone, at least ten vacant historic buildings in San José have been lost to fire. Often, these properties are left vacant after tenants are displaced in anticipation of future development that may never materialize. Would you support entitlement conditions that hold property owners accountable, such as: ensuring sites are occupied and actively used by residents or businesses, rather than sitting vacant; providing effective physical and electronic site security and monitoring if occupancy is not feasible; providing surety bonds to ensure payment of fines for code violations or loss of historic structures; and allowing PRNS to designate appropriate City parklands as receiver sites for historic buildings suitable for relocation?


I'm not too sure if punishing someone that owns a building is the correct way to go about things. Going to the business owner or the person that owns the building, sitting down and finding out what the root cause of the problem is sometimes more effective. I do agree we we should try to use every tool our government has leverage. I think receivership should as a last resort, or if that company slash owner is using the city an blatanly ripping the city off.

4) In 2022 California passed SB9, which allows by-right redevelopment of up to four new units on most R1 (single-family-zoned) parcels statewide, but exempted historic properties, historic districts, and R2 (duplex-zoned) neighborhoods from eligibility. In 2025, City Council will consider expanding SB9-type entitlements to include historic properties and R2 districts. Do you believe this type of development can be appropriate for historic homes and older neighborhoods? If yes, how, and if no, why not?


Yes. If it can be done nicely and designed properly. And if it meets state and local codes

5) What role do you believe that historic places should play in building a vibrant and culturally diverse future for District 3 and San José? Is there a particular project or effort you have undertaken or would propose to undertake, either professionally or personally, that best embodies your vision for sustaining these places in San José?


I work on the ground in downtown with hundreds of businesses from tech companies, two mom and pops to grocery stores. When I walk around downtown at night, the city seems to come alive. I always wonder to myself, why don't we have a?Skyscraper or even some type of art that symbolizes san jose to the rest of the world. In early february, I was in san francisco. It was the first time I'd ever been to the palace of fine arts. And the first time I'd ever took my family. After all i finally visited the palace of fine arts. It was pretty amazing to watch families and people from all walks of life walking running around and just having a great time. I look at St. James park and I think to myself. That could easily be a mini version of San Jose's palace of fine arts. Just the thought of thinking we have something like that in downtown san jose, that the world envy's would be totally amazing

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